So far in 2025, we’ve already had more than 50 puppies and kittens enter our care. These tiny lives are among the most vulnerable in rescue, with those under 5 weeks needing extensive round-the-clock care. Please help by sending vital supplies necessary to give them the best chance possible to thrive!
Right now our highest priority items are:
- Puppy Food (wet and dry)
- Puppy Formula
- Royal Canin Mama and Baby Cat
- Non Clumping Litter
- Baby Wipes
We also need puppy and kitten fosters! Every day we’re receiving pleas from overwhelmed shelters asking us to pull puppies and kittens, and that’s on top of Good Samaritans finding abandoned puppies and kittens who need help.
Just today, Tallahasse Animal Control reached out regarding 9 Chihuahua/Jack Russell puppies and advised that our city shelter is at capacity. We need to pull them to save them, but we need foster placements!

Click below to submit a foster application so you can help us save these lives and others!
You can also help by promoting the importance of spay and neuter! We have low-cost vouchers at our office thanks to Be the Solution and would be happy to help you prevent an unwanted litter!

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