If you receive our newsletter, we promised a Giving Tuesday update on Teddy.
Teddy entered our care circling the drain. We’d been contacted by another rescue tasked with helping shut down an irresponsible breeder. The dogs from this breeder were in poor condition, and it was immediately clear that these dogs were being used for profit. Despite how loving the dogs from this property were, they were clearly not loved or cared for. Puppies would go home to unknowing families while their parents suffered and were hidden away.
Teddy was among the direst cases. Upon arrival, he was emaciated, in need of a blood transfusion, full of parasites, and sporting two gaping bedsores on his hips from his small and disgusting cage. Teddy spent several days hospitalized under the watchful eye of compassionate caretakers at Capital Veterinary Specialists – Tallahassee as they addressed his many medical needs, and he quickly became adored by every veterinarian and technician.
It’s a miracle Teddy made it into our care when he did. Even with hospitalization, pneumonia surfaced in Teddy’s lungs adding additional strain to his struggling body. If he had not been rescued when he was, he’d be lost.
Our dog coordinator Amy fostered him after he was released from CVS, since he was so touch and go. He had persistent diarrhea, wasn’t house trained, and once he finally got stable, needed cherry eye repair and to be neutered. It was several months of constant cleaning and worrying about this sweet and special dog. He spent nearly every moment with Amy, and it was clear that he’d become one of her favorites.
Finally, Teddy was ready for adoption, and Amy found the perfect adopters. They had been waiting and preparing for adopting a dog for months, and were immediately smitten with Teddy, who instantly loved them back. They had cats, who Teddy also adored and immediately became buddies with.
While Teddy is an extremely sweet dog, he’s a bulldog. He’s headstrong, stubborn, and often cosplays as a cannonball. His new adopters love him for his quirks and were grateful to be able to provide a loving home for a rescue animal who had been through so much.
From #rescued to #adopted, Teddy made it, and his story is possible because of our supporters.
We were able to make Teddy healthy and comfortable, sparing no expense for his care. He was completely unvetted and needed extensive medical care, surgery, and treatment.
All of it was worth it.
If you’re able, please consider making a contribution this Giving Tuesday through www.leoncountyhumane.org/donate
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