Every penny saved by having items donated is a penny spent improving the lives of our community’s companion animals.
For Our Office
- Paper towels (rolls)
- Laundry Detergent (High Efficiency- H.E.)
- Swiffer Sweeper Wet Mop Sheets (or generic brand wet mopping sheets)
- Gift Cards: Publix, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Staples PetSmart, Petco or other pet supply stores
- Hand Sanitizer (Large bottles)
- Bleach
- Spray cleaners – 409, Mr. Clean, Fantastik
- Clorox wipes
- Liquid hand soap
- Dishwasher soap
- White Copy Paper
- Color Paper (any color) for our Copy Machine
- Tall kitchen trash bags
- Black, 3 mil heavy duty construction trash bags
- 1,2 and 3 gallon freezer storage ziplock bags
Building and Grounds Maintenance
- Gift Cards to Home Depot or Lowes
- Plumber services
- Electrical services
- Carpenter services
- Cleaning services
- Lawn care services
- Paint and painting services
- Gravel and grading services for parking lot
- Garden supplies: Pruners, Gloves (medium), Clippers, Trowel, Loppers, Spade
For Dogs
- Veterinary Flea and Heartworm Preventative (any size): Advantage, Frontline Plus, Heartgard, Revolution, Interceptor, etc.
- Donation of veterinarian’s services for heartworm treatment of heartworm positive foster animals
- Collars, harneses and leashes (any size)
- Wet and dry dog or puppy food
- Treats/Toys
- Kongs, Gummabones, and Nylabones
For Cats
- Veterinary Flea and Heartworm Preventative (any size): Advantage, Frontline Plus, Heartgard, Revolution, Interceptor, etc.
- Wet and dry cat or kitten food
- KMR brand kitten milk replacedment (canned)
- Kitty Playpen (tall cage on wheels) for kittens or $120 donation for purchase
- Cardboard/disposable scratching pads
- Treats/toys
Click here to view our “High-Need Items” Wishlist through Amazon.
Why Do YOU Give?