
Status: Adopted

Born: June 1, 2022

Age: 2y 9m 11d

Gender: Male

Adoption Fee: $250

Breed: Mixed Breed

Color: Black

Size: Small

Location: Adopted

Conrad has been adopted!

Hi, my name is Conrad, and I am a fun-loving puppy that is approximately 18 weeks old. I willbe a smaller medium size dog. I am about 15 lbs now so maybe 25-30 lbs all grown up? I haveno idea what I am but will know in a week when my DNA test comes back. I think I have someCocker Spaniel and I look like a Lab to but those are just guesses right now. I love to jump andrun around in the yard. My foster mom says I am a sweet boy who like to be held and lovesgetting “cookies.” I am crate trained and for the most part will bark in the crate when I need togo out and have had a few accidents but mostly after my neuter. I listen pretty well for apuppy whose going thru the teenage stage and will load up in my crate and usually come whencalled and sit. I am a smart little guy; handsome and very photogenicat least that’s what people say about me. I go to the groomer every 4 weeks and do great forbaths and nail clipping and do fine for my home baths in between times. I take my heartwormand flea meds like a pro (I love Pill Pockets). I have been eating 1 cup am and 1 cup in the pmof royal canine medium size puppy food.I was with my sister, and I shared a crate with her till about 2 weeks ago. I have no fear of bigdogs as I like to run the fence on the outside with 4 of my friends and I have been playing withcats and kittens as well right and they aren’t too happy with me but I’m a friendly kind of guywho likes to get close to them to check them out. I also get along well with my little dogfriends too. I have met kids in the neighborhood and do fine with them. I do like to jump, andit is like I have a spring like tiger and up I go. I ride well in the car, and I wear my harness allthe time and can handle walking about 1 mile so far then I want to go drink some water andjust play.Right now, as a puppy I do chew and have chewed up a few beds so I may just need some softblankets for a while till I get out of the faze as I still have my puppy teeth. I love to play withtoys and enjoy a few good bones!What am I looking for in a family…a forever home, I think I want someone who can spend timewith me playing and getting my energy out and I would teach me some fun tricks and I’d be okwith another kind dog or cat and if you had a couple of kids that we could grow up together Ithink that would be great to… I would like to have a fence as leash walking is great and all butthere is nothing like a good zoomie moment or 2 in the back yard just free and runningaround. If you think I’m your guy, lets meet up and see if we would be a good fit for life!